A leader in the design, manufacture and supply of
Jet Mixing Systems
Jet Aeration Systems
Submersible Self-aspirating Aerators
Floating Effluent Decanters
The MTS Advantage:

Having complete control over the manufacture of our systems, with the raw materials made only in the USA.

Industry leading provider of dissolved oxygen systems
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Welcome to Mass Transfer Systems

Since 1984, Mass Transfer Systems has been the world leading supplier of jet aeration and jet mixing systems for water and wastewater treatment applications in both the industrial and municipal markets.  Our jet aeration and jet mixing systems are custom engineered to provide the most efficient and cost effective solutions for the aeration and mixing needs of the individual projects.

Mass Transfer Systems also offers a product line of submersible self-aspirating aerators to provide aeration and mixing for both municipal and industrial wastewater processes.  The MTS submersible self-aspirating aerator draws ambient air from above the liquid surface and do not require air blowers for operation and are easily installed into new treatment tanks as well as existing treatment tanks with little or no modification to the existing tanks.

MTS Products

Jet Aeration Systems

 jet aeration systems

Mass Transfer Systems offers jet aeration systems in custom configurations such as directional and bi-directional jet aeration manifolds systems as well as radial jet aeration pod systems. MTS jet aeration equipment has transferred over 4 billion pounds (1.8 billion Kg) of oxygen, making it the most widely applied aeration system in treatment applications worldwide. From large, turn-key installations to the smallest aeration project, there is no jet aeration project too big or too small for Mass Transfer Systems jet aeration systems.

Jet Mixing Systems

 jet mixing systems

Mass Transfer Systems offers jet mixing systems in custom configurations to suit a wide variety of applications from sludge mixing to standard equalization tanks, and even aggressive leachate applications. Jet mixing is a great solution for low hp high efficiency mixing to keep fluids blended and solids suspended.

Aspirator Submersible Aspirator

MTS Aspirator

The MTS Aspirator provides oxygen transfer by aspirating the ambient atmospheric air, thus negating the need for air blowers. This easy to install, portable, dependable aerator has been utilized in multiple applications such as; sludge holding tanks, aerobic digesters, activated sludge tanks, storage tanks, equalization basins, stormwater basins, and post-aeration applications.

Floating Effluent Decanters

floating effluent decanters

Mass Transfer Systems offers a line of floating effluent decanters. The MTS design utilizes a swing joint that allows for a wide range of decanting. The standard material of construction for the decant arm is stainless steel. Fiberglass construction is available as an option.


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Part of the North American Filtration Family of Companies

Connect With Us

Phone: 508-660-9150
Fax: 508-660-9151

Meet With Us

Mass Transfer Systems
23 Walpole Park South
Walpole, Massachusetts 02081 USA
[email protected]