The Jet aeration Pump takes suction from the aeration basin via a suction bell and returns it back to the tank through a fiberglass manifold equipped with a set of fourteen bi-directional jet nozzles. The wastewater is pumped through inner nozzles at high kinetic energy and velocity. A set of process air blowers provides air to the jet nozzles where the air is introduced to an outer nozzle where the process air is introduced and the wastewater and air are subjected to a high velocity implosion creating microbubbles that are dispersed into the wastewater.
In 2017, Guggisberg Cheese installed an external tubular MBR System that was equipped with an MTS Jet Aeration System.
The goals and objectives of the MBR system was to meet direct discharge requirements into the Sugar Creek meeting and surpassing stringent direct discharge parameters for BOD, COD,Ammonia-Nitrogen and Phosphorus. The Jet Aeration System was chosen to provide “maintenance free” operation of the MBR Aeration Tank since the MBR System was required to operate 24 hours per day/ 7 days per week.