In-Tank Equipment

Bi-Directional Jet Aerators

The Mass Transfer Systems bi-directional jet aerators are designed with jet aeration nozzles installed on only one side of the liquid/air jet aeration manifold. This configuration is most applicable for square or rectangular tanks, larger lagoons, and sequence batch reactors where directional flow patterns are not desired.

Directional Jet Manifold Aerators

The Mass Transfer Systems directional jet aerators are designed with jet aeration nozzles installed on the only side of the liquid/air jet aeration manifold. This configuration is most applicable for round tanks, lagoons, and ditches where directional flow patterns can be achieved to aid in the mixing of the tank contents.

Radial Jet Pod Aerators

The Mass Transfer Systems radial jet pod aerators are designed with jet aeration nozzles installed around the circumference of an integral liquid/air pod body. This configuration is most applicable for smaller round and square tanks and sequence batch reactors where directional flow patterns are not desirable.

Retrievable Jet Aeration Skids

Where aeration is required and the process tank cannot be emptied in order to install a traditional jet aeration system, Mass Transfer Systems offers skid mounted wet installed retrievable jet aeration systems. These systems can utilize a submersible pump mounted on the retrievable skid or a dry pit pump mounted outside of the tank.


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Fax: 508-660-9151

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Mass Transfer Systems
23 Walpole Park South
Walpole, Massachusetts 02081 USA
[email protected]